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The media loves covering celebrities because star power sells content

Celebrities are famous by definition giving our candidates an instant leg up on day one

The good, the bad, and the ugly are already well known, limiting surprises

Celebrities are expert storytellers and practiced communicators.

Celebrities are excellent fundraisers and can rally the progressive grassroots

We believe in the promise of America and the American people.

We’re working to elect proven leaders with a track record of action. We recruit and endorse progressive celebrity Democrats who are ready to turn their earned support of the American people into action that will make life better for everyone, no matter who you are, how you identify, or where you live.

Take action with us

Sign on in Support and Pledge to Vote for Kamala Harris Now!

Kamala is the leader we need now.

Vice President Harris will fight for:

  • Our Freedoms - Kamala will fight to restore, protect, and expand freedom for everyone, whether our civil and voting rights, or the freedom to read, learn, and teach the whole truth of America not just the parts we’re proud of, or it’s the right to make decisions about our own bodies, our health, or who we love.

  • Our Families - Kamala knows working families need jobs, living wages, benefits and healthcare.
    She understands that we keep families together, we don’t separate them and put kids in cages. We don’t believe in bullying anyone to deny who they are or tell parents how to raise their children. She sees the whole of America.

  • Our Futures - Kamala has a track record of delivering for our future, from holding banks accountable as California’s Attorney General to the 33 tie-breaking Senate votes she’s cast as Vice President. Donald Trump and the Republican Party are ready to end American democracy and replace it with authoritarian rule. They want a complete repeal of the Inflation Reduction Act and every investment made in the fight against climate change. They want to put corporations in charge of everything from education to the post office and the courts in charge of everything else.

The contrast couldn’t be more clear. The Democratic Party shouldn’t waste another day finding our next candidate for president. Our candidate is already running.

Pledge to vote for Vice-President Kamala Harris for President by adding your name now!

Tell the US Army Corps of Engineers: Stop Line 5!

Line 5 is a climate, environmental, and human rights disaster. The pipeline already transports 545,000 barrels of oil a day 645-miles from Canada, through Michigan and into Wisconsin. That’s why all of Michigan’s 12 Tribal Nations oppose the pipeline. So does Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. And why a federal judge recently ruled in favor of the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, agreeing that the pipeline is illegally trespassing on the Bad River Band’s reservation.

But Canadian pipeline company Enbridge is trying to get around the courts by rerouting the pipeline, so they can keep their fossil fuel profits flowing. And the Army Corps of Engineers is on the verge of letting them get away with it!

The Army Corps is relying on a flawed environmental assessment that doesn’t even consider shutting down Line 5 as a reasonable alternative. A comment period has been extended until August 4th, and we need you to take action.

Click 'START WRITING' to sign and send your letter to the Army Corps and President Biden now

Pledge to Expose Trump's Project 2025

Project 2025 is the 900+ page extreme far-right governing plan for the Trump “dictatorship” that he plans to implement starting on Day 1, should he win election in November.

With its blatant White Christian Nationalist worldview, it categorizes immigrants, people of color, the LGBTQ+ community, and what it calls “woke” liberals as anti-American agents of evil who must be marginalized or eliminated from society. It calls for military raids of cities to fill camps with up to 5 million immigrants to be separated from their families and deported.

Project 2025 includes detailed plans for firing 50,000 nonpartisan civil servants and replacing them with far-right partisans devoted to a nationwide abortion ban, rolling back racial equality, LGBTQ+ rights, climate change initiatives, the “woke” military, public education, and NATO involvement, all while expanding the powers of an immune Trumpian presidency.

Compiled by the arch conservative Heritage Foundation, of the 38 people responsible for writing and editing Project 2025, 31 were appointed or nominated to positions in the Trump administration and transition. Little wonder why during the primaries, Trump said “we need the help of the Heritage Foundation” to accomplish “everything we hope to achieve.”

Trump’s Make America Great Again PAC calls it “Trump’s Project 2025” and created a website with the same name, but now, afraid of losing independent voters, Trump claims to “know nothing about Project 2025” and to have “no idea who is behind it.” Let’s be clear, his national press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, appears in the Project 2025 recruitment video.

Other contributing Trump aides include Project 2025’s directors, Paul Dans, Spencer Chretien, and Troup Hemenway; Trump’s OMB Director, Russ Vought, and John Entee, who recently claimed he gives counterfeit money to homeless people so they’ll get arrested.

Echoing Trump’s own “bloodbath” rhetoric, Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts threatened violence on Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast: “We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

Those 900+ pages of vitriol contain attacks on all fronts of American democracy, including:

  • Reproductive Health: A nationwide ban on abortion, abortion medications, and all forms of contraception, and replacing the Department of Health and Human Services with the “Department of Life.”

  • Racial Equity: Ending all federal funding for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs. Participation in any critical race theory or DEI initiatives will be grounds for termination of government employees.

  • LGBTQ+ Rights: Ending marriage equality, access to gender-affirming healthcare, and protection from job discrimination.

  • Immigrants and Immigration: Separating families not only at the border, but also deporting undocumented immigrants with families who have jobs and have been in the country for decades.

  • Climate Change: Eliminating all funding for climate change initiatives, including shutting down multiple climate-related agencies such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and ending all climate science from national security concerns.

  • The “Woke” Military: Removing all gay, lesbian, and trans service members; revert to previous sexual harassment and assault standards.

  • Public Education: Diverting billions of dollars in public school funding to private school vouchers for religious schools that are not required to teach history in history classes or science in science classes.

  • Human Rights and NATO: Withdrawing from the NATO alliance, leaving Eastern Europe vulnerable to attack from the encroaching Russian state.

  • Destroying American Democracy: Weaponizing the Department of Justice, dismantling the FBI, and replacing their traditional independence from political pressure with demands of loyalty to the administration to go after political enemies and the free press.

Project 2025 promotes authoritarianism by politicizing independent institutions, spreading disinformation, weakening checks and balances, quashing dissent, restricting human rights, calling free elections into question, and stoking political violence.

We’ve had enough threats of violence and abrogation of human and civil rights. Trump wants to hide his true intent and claim he “knows nothing,” but we must pledge to expose Trump’s Project 2025 as the destructive blueprint for autocracy that it is.

This is an all hands on deck moment for the future of America. Pledge to expose Project 2025 to family, friends, co-workers, from social media to private conversations and everything in between. We must make sure that every voter knows what’s at stake now.

Paid for by Hollywooddemocrats.comand not authorized by any candidate, party organization or candidate’s committee.